Sources, left to right, top to bottom.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
1// I really like the simple, hand-drawn, "doodley" feel of this front page.
2// If you prefer drawing over writing, fill your pages with drawings of your experiences. There is no "right" method.
3// Good example of using clippings and mementos in your journal.
4// Great idea for a front page. Print out an outline of the place you're visiting and put it under your paper so that you can trace it. You can then label places you visited. Another idea could be to draw a world map and then use colorful markers to show the path that your journey took you.
5// Very simple journal entries with some maps pasted in. As I said in number 2, there's no right method, so if you prefer writing over drawing, then you don't have to do any drawing!
6// A stylish example of a travel journal, filled with colorful elements that are fun to look at.
I hope you enjoyed this travel journal inspiration from Pinterest. This is the third part of my travel journaling series. Here you can visit my other posts: Travel Journal + Kit, Travel Journaling Prompts + Ideas. Thank you for reading!